Example 01: Hello World

In this classic example we make a SpiNNaker application which simply prints “Hello, world!” on one core and then exits.

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SpiNNaker application

We start by writing the SpiNNaker application itself which consists of a single call to io_printf in hello.c.

#include "sark.h"
void c_main(void)
  io_printf(IO_BUF, "Hello, world!\n");

This call writes our famous message to the “IO buffer”, an area of system memory which we can later read back from the host. This is then compiled using the usual SpiNNaker-tools makefile to produce hello.aplx:

$ cd /path/to/spinnaker_tools
$ source ./setup
$ cd -
$ make APP=hello


For those who don’t have the ARM cross-compiler installed a precompiled binary is included with this example.

Host-side application

Now that we have our compiled binary we must boot our SpiNNaker machine, load our application onto a core and then read back the IO buffer. We could do this using the ybug command included with the low-level software tools but since we’re building up towards a real-world application, we’ll use Rig. Rig provides a higher-level Python interface to SpiNNaker machines which is easily used as part of a larger program, unlike ybug which is designed for interactive use as a debugger.

Before we start we must install the Rig library. The easiest way to do this is via PyPI using pip:

$ pip install rig

The hello.py contains a Python program which uses Rig to boot a SpiNNaker machine, load our application and then print the result. We’ll go through this line by line below.

All control of a SpiNNaker machine is achieved via a Rig MachineController which we import like so:

from rig.machine_control import MachineController

We create an instance with the hostname/IP address set to our SpiNNaker board, taken from the command-line (to avoid having to hard-code things in our program).

import sys
mc = MachineController(sys.argv[1])

Next to boot the machine we use the boot() method, taking the width and height of the machine to boot from the next two command line arguments. For a SpiNN-2 or SpiNN-3 board these dimensions are 2 and 2. For a SpiNN-5 board the dimensions are 8 and 8.

mc.boot(int(sys.argv[2]), int(sys.argv[3]))

Next we’ll load our application using the load_application() method. This method loads our application onto core 1 of chip (0, 0), checks it was loaded successfully and then starts the program executing before returning. Note that this method can load an application onto many cores at once, hence the slightly unusual syntax.

mc.load_application("hello.aplx", {(0, 0): {1}})

When a SpiNNaker application’s c_main function returns, the application goes into the exit state. By using wait_for_cores_to_reach_state() we can wait for our hello world application to finish executing.

mc.wait_for_cores_to_reach_state("exit", 1)

After our application has exited we can fetch and print out the contents of the IO buffer for the core we ran our application on to see what it printed using the get_iobuf() method. (By convention Rig uses the name p – for processor – when identifying cores.)

print(mc.get_iobuf(x=0, y=0, p=1))

As a final step we must send the “stop” signal to SpiNNaker which frees up any resources allocated during the runing of our application. In this case that just means the memory allocated for the IO buffer.


We can finally run our script like so (for a SpiNN-5 board):

$ python hello.py my-spinn-5-board 8 8
Hello, world!

Note that this script can take a little time while the boot is carried out. If your board is already booted, you can comment out the boot line and the script should run almost instantaneously.


Instead of incorporating the boot process into your scripts you can use the rig-boot command line utility to boot your machine first like so:

$ rig-boot my-spinn-5-board --spin5

For help see:

$ rig-boot --help

In later examples we’ll use this instead of including the call to boot() in our scripts.